Steve Coulson

Coach, NLP Practitioner and Trainer

Steve is a qualified professional accredited Coach, NLP Practitioner and a Trainer. He is accredited with the European Coaching Institute and an associate member of the Association for Coaching.

Steve has particular expertise in Life & Personal Change work and Executive & Business Coaching and Development. He has experience of working in major retail business, in senior management positions, which presented him with the opportunity to learn, develop and realise the benefits to staff and customers of coaching in the work place.

He coaches clients with a variety of issues from personal relationships to directorships and organisational change and development for businesses large and small.

Steve is totally committed to the belief that people have everything within themselves to be all that they want and can be. The role of the coach is to help them unlock their thinking, understand their values and beliefs to maximise their opportunities. Steve brings insight, curiosity, great care and a safe environment to his coaching and work with people.

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