What is Coaching?
Coaching is a regular place where you can take time to reflect on who and where you are in your professional and personal life. Coaching provides a context where you can address important issues in your life, clarify choices, create action plans and monitor outcomes with someone who is impartial. Whilst the emphasis is often on your working life, coaching addresses the whole person, with a focus on learning and action that can lead to more fulfilment and a more effective process for working and living.
Who is it for?
Coaching is for anyone who is caught up in the increasing pressures of life and wishes to reflect on what they want from their professional and personal life and what will help them achieve this.
What is involved?
Coaching involves an initial meeting where you and the coach get to know each other and develop a working alliance and contract. The initial session begins the process of reflecting on your life, clarifying where you would like to go, the strengths you will use to get there and the obstacles that seem to be in the way. Further, regular meetings will be agreed, usually monthly.
Corporate Coaching Packages
Rowan Consultancy specialises in the development of individuals and organisations. Our coaching packages help employees achieve their developmental goals, with varying degrees of support and involvement from their line manager.
Bronze package
A programme of 4 coaching sessions, of up to an hour each, over up to 6 months, where the employee agrees their own goal with their coach. There is no involvement from the line manager and no reporting back to the organisation.
Investment: £1200 + VAT
Silver package
A programme of 6 coaching session, of up to an hour each, over up to 9 months, which includes the line manager agreeing the goals for coaching with the coachee and the coach and joining them for a review session to measure progress towards those goals. This package gives added value for money, since the line manager shares responsibility for goal-setting and supporting the employee and the employee is accountable to their line manager as well as to the coach. The organisation receives feedback from the line manager and can measure the results of coaching more clearly.
Investment: £2150 + VAT
Silver package further information
It is important that we work in partnership with the organisation to ensure that the employee is supported in their learning during and after the coaching process. The employee may nominate a panel of colleagues to provide feedback.
The employee’s line manager joins us for the second and final coaching sessions. The aim of the second session is to ensure that there is accountability for the process within the organization. We will agree answers to the following questions:
- What is the goal of the coaching?
- What will be the behavioural measure of success?
- What support will the manager and the organization provide to the
coachee to transfer their learning into the workplace? - Which strengths does the manager appreciate in the coachee?
The manager will join us for the final session to review progress towards the goal, against the agreed behavioural measure of success and to ensure continuity once the coaching sessions have been completed by agreeing how the learning will be sustained.
Gold package
A programme of up to 12 coaching session in 15 months, with consultation available between sessions. This includes feedback from colleagues and the option of an Insights Discovery Personal Profile in your first year. It is designed for senior executives.
Investment: £7000 + VAT
Self-financing coaching clients may receive subsidised rates by discussion with the Head of Coaching.
Coaching sessions will usually be delivered via Zoom. They can be delivered in person, but this will incur additional costs.
Introducing our Coaches
Information on our Rowan Coaches is available to download.

Steve Coulson
Executive, Business and Life Coach
Steve is an experienced, international coach who has a passion for his profession. He believes all leaders can embrace change, develop through experience and self-awareness, and take ownership and responsibility for their own growth and success in business and life. Steve brings into his coaching the values of compassion, challenge, curiosity, insight and learning through exploration and self-discovery. He aims to work with a balance of cognitive as well as emotional intelligences to encourage greater depth of understanding, to support sustained learning and to help others live better.

Rachel Weiss
Executive, Business and Team Coach
Rachel believes in personal and professional growth through self-awareness. This informs her practice as a coach, leader and trainer. She encourages her coachees to formulate and achieve their developmental goals, acting as a supportive and challenging companion on their journey. Rachel uses a holistic approach, which values your emotions and physical sensations, as well as your thoughts, which give you useful information about your behaviours. She helps you identify and modify unhelpful habits and develop yourself as a leader.

Jo Birch
Coach and Supervisor
Jo’s approach enables people to engage more creatively and confidently with the Jo’s approach enables people to engage more creatively and confidently with the challenges they face. She combines her skills and training with a deep curiosity of the uniqueness of each person; tuning into what makes people ‘tick’ and how can she best be of service to them.
Every coaching assignment is tailored to the needs, hopes, current issues and context of the individuals Jo supports. She blends the ability to grapple with serious themes and complex challenges with lightness and encouragement – helping to liberate untapped personal resources hidden behind blocks that limit, distract or divert people from being their best selves. Jo’s approach is deeply acknowledging and affirming of people and their ability to make a difference.

Karen Redpath
Karen is an associate coach with the Rowan Consultancy. She sees coaching as a co-created journey of discovery which is a future-focussed, goal-oriented, enabling process, supporting positive and sustainable change. Karen believes coaching is a powerful intervention that can help identify previously hidden barriers, create understanding of how these are getting in the way and support effective forward movement for individuals, teams and organisations.
Karen has an open, warm approach which is non-judgemental and tailored to individual needs. She honours your uniqueness and works with integrity in a person-centred, collaborative, flexible way to add value and be of best service to you.

Christine Partridge
Facilitator, Coach
I have over 20 years’ experience of working successfully with individuals and organisations as a coach, facilitator, and trainer. In my work I draw on my background as a research scientist, expedition leader, Gestalt counsellor & supervisor, trainer, and artist. I bring to coaching a depth of coaching experience with a wide variety of people at all organisational levels, employees, managers, senior managers, CEO’s and trustees/directors.
As a coach, I create and hold a space where you can bring all of yourself – thoughts, feelings, and sensations. I bring my curiosity, a love of discovery and the ability to look at things from different perspectives and support people to experiment with new ways of thinking and doing things. I am comfortable working with metaphor and in other imaginative ways (if appropriate) and can sit with complexity, working with what emerges in the moment whilst also holding the coaching goal in mind.
How can you book a coaching session?
To book a coaching session or to find out more, call us on 01738 562005 or use our contact form. We will get back to you by the next working day.