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3 days ago

CPD - Eating Disorders in Families & RelationshipsNov 22, 10:00amPH1 Perth, United KingdomThis CPD event for Counsellors, is hosted by Rowan Consultancy and delivered by Prof Julia Buckroyd (website: Julia Buckroyd).

This seminar looks at some of the issues in families and relationships when one person has an eating disorder.

An eating disorder is a communication, wordless and hard to interpret, usually aimed at someone in the household. It is an indication of distress and needs to be put into words that can then be discussed, processed and worked on.

This task is made difficult because even if the target can be identified, the disordered eater rarely knows what it is about. The therapeutic task is therefore to make conscious the purposes of the disordered eating and enable the management of those purposes within the couple or family by other and less destructive means.

Who is it for?

Counsellors and psychotherapists who want to gain further understanding of the issues in order to support clients.
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