Information for Counselling Clients

Information for Clients

When you come into counselling or psychotherapy you may be unsure what to expect. The information on this page answers the most frequently asked questions. We hope you find it useful.

Counselling and Psychotherapy

Counselling and psychotherapy is not about giving advice, it is an activity which seeks to help people towards constructive change and growth in any or every aspect of their lives, based upon a supportive relationship within agreed boundaries. Your counsellor or therapist provides a safe place where you can talk about what is troubling you. They will listen carefully and help you express your feelings, which may be preventing you from thinking clearly about the issue. They can also help you explore the options open to you.

What is the Difference between Counselling and Psychotherapy?

Both counselling and psychotherapy are predominantly talking based therapies. The counsellor or therapist, by using their understanding and skill within the therapeutic relationship, seeks to enable clients to grow, and to live more meaningful and satisfying lives. Essentially, it is the experience of the practitioner and their way of relating that appears to be the most important factors in the therapeutic process.

There is an ongoing professional debate as to whether counselling and psychotherapy are indeed different. Historically, a psychotherapy training and the formation of the psychotherapist were, and still are to a greater degree, longer than that for counselling. An additional requirement is that the trainee undergo his/her own personal therapy as part of the training process. It was understood that the training of the psychotherapist prepared them to work with a greater complexity of issues and at a greater depth with clients, over a longer period of time. The aim of the therapeutic work being to effect fundamental psychic change in the client.

The counsellor, it was argued, might work in a different way, at a lesser depth and the work might be for a shorter period of time. The focus of the work might be more issue and solution oriented than that of psychotherapy.

However, counselling and psychotherapy have become significantly aligned in many respects, with counsellors often finding themselves working as psychotherapeutically as psychotherapists and the latter often working in applied and in shorter-term ways. In addition most counsellors now undergo their own personal therapy during training, as well as afterwards as part of their ongoing professional development.


Sessions last for 50 minutes. Your counsellor or psychotherapist will discuss with you how often and when you will meet; the norm is meeting once a week. We do not have a waiting room, so please do not arrive more than a few minutes early for your appointment. If you arrive late, your session will still end on time.


If you are unable to keep an appointment we ask that you give 24 hours notice otherwise you (or your employer if attending through a staff counselling scheme) will be charged for the session. If you do not arrive for an appointment your counsellor or psychotherapist will normally telephone or write to you.


Strict confidentiality is always maintained and is an essential part of the therapeutic process. Rowan counsellors and psychotherapists will not pass on personal information to anyone outside Rowan unless:

  • You give express consent to disclose information
  • Your counsellor or therapist believes that you or a third party is in serious danger
  • Your counsellor or therapist would be liable to civil or criminal court procedure if the information was not disclosed

In all cases you will be encouraged to pass on the information to the relevant person or agency yourself.

In line with professional requirements, counsellors and psychotherapists may discuss sessions with a supervisor external to Rowan. In this process the identity of the client is not revealed.


When you wish to finish your counselling or psychotherapy, we would appreciate if this was conveyed to your counsellor or therapist in a personal session rather than by telephone or non-appearance.


Your counsellor or psychotherapist will ask you to complete a feedback form at the end of your counselling or psychotherapy, to be completed in the session, or posted back to us in the envelope provided.


For self-financing individuals our current fee (1st May 2024) is £63, for couples it is £79 for a 50 minute session, and families £84.

Please pay before your session using our online portal. Our fees increase annually in October.

Record Keeping and Data Protection

It is essential for counsellors to be able to keep records on clients and their sessions. We keep all records in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016. Counselling notes may record background information and key issues discussed in the sessions. These notes are kept separate from your name and contact details and are shredded after 7 years.


If you are dissatisfied or have any concerns with your counselling or psychotherapy please discuss this with your counsellor or therapist. If you continue to be dissatisfied, please follow our complaints procedure.