Susan Dobson

BA(Hons), PGDip in Counselling and Psychotherapy, MBACP

Susan initially trained as a Social Worker and worked in child protection for 20 years before completing her training in counselling and psychotherapy with Persona Training & Development in 2016. Since then she has worked as a counsellor with organisations in the private and third sectors supporting people with a variety of presenting issues including bereavement, childhood trauma, and domestic abuse. Susan has a particular interest in psychological trauma, believing the safety of a strong therapeutic relationship provides an ideal space to allow recovery and growth.

Susan has over 20 years’ experience in designing and delivering training courses for counsellors, she also is the Senior Learning & Development Officer for Public Protection in Glasgow supporting the best practice in working with vulnerable families and communities.

Susan runs a busy counselling and training practice from her home, working with organisations including the NHS, SafeLives and Edinburgh Napier University.

Susan Dobson portrait